Thursday, October 30, 2008


If the Internet is a new public space, with the place for debates (the agora made of blogs and forums), business (e-commerce), there is also place for crime in the cyberspace.

Cybercrime is criminal activity involving an information technology infrastructure, including illegal access (unauthorized access), illegal interception (by technical means of non-public transmissions of computer data to, from or within a computer system), data interference (unauthorized damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer data), systems interference (interfering with the functioning of a computer system by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data), misuse of devices, forgery (ID theft), and electronic fraud. [cf : wikipedia]

Cybercrime can come frome individuals or States agencies. One of the most recent and large exemple was the attack from China against Tibetan websites. Matrix is also an exemple of cybercrime. Isnt'Neo persecuted ? ;)

About that, here is an excellent post from another CMM student, Zélie Berger.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Open Sources VS Commercial

E-culture is made of various components : free-culture, love of technologies and the attraction that cames with a fresh market.
The Open source software are the outcome of the free-culture. Linus was the first famous one, challenging the monopole of Windows. Then came the peer-to-peer softwares, which were destinated to be a popular succes. Open office and Mozilla came later, and offered a credible alternative to expensives or unsatisfactory softwares.

The advantages are numerous : free, more reactive, good quality, tool to improve the general ability of the population on computering.
I see only one weakness : a hacker could do many damages via an open sources softwares.

Obama mobilise via new-technologies

The final race of the American Presidential election is starting theses days. The end will remain unknown to the last day. A chance of change in style and policy, or an continuation of the old reneganism...

Two things are already certain, two majors changes :
-the American society is much more seeking for new impulse than ever since JFK. The two designed challengers Obama and Mac Cain were two marginal outsiders in their party, even if popular among the overall population.
-the energie came from Obama which has a new way of managing the mobilisation of partizans for him, using new technologies.
With, he gave the opportunity to supporters to appropriate the campaign through the Internet, which leads to a better implication and participation on the grounds. It's an old tradition in the US that supporters came in the houses of theirs neighbourgs to try to convince them to vote for their candidate, before the election day, and to bring them to the election office the election day. Obama is modernizing this American way of doing politics on the ground to new generation.

The stakes are high: the better ground game can be worth 2-3% on Election Day, says veteran strategist Joe Trippi. That means that in a close race, the field organization could make the difference.

I think this trend is good overall. The good thinks is that it helps fighting against the depolitization of new-generation, and the discussion that came with this organisation is something that feeds democracy.
The bad aspect is that for some supporters it is closer to being fan of a pop-star thant fighting for political ideas. But whatever the way of mobilisation, this already is a danger.

If that trends would come to France for ideas I support like green revolution, I would certainly like to be part of it.


Last week-end I went to the WEI, an annuel event of the CELSA's Student Union : Pop'Com, as one of the organisators, I am co-manager of the Animation.

The main goal of this week-end is to create a feisty opportunity for the new student of the school to meet, doing parties and team games.
This was a great succes, both by the number of participants and the general atmosphere. We never have so much people (130), and the sun was here to help us.

Several people thanks us for that organisation, which is still nice to hear. :)

On a more personnal level, I meet a charming girl named Clémentine...

Under, the teaser of the WEI, a main element of the promotion campaign created by PAVO Prod...